čtvrtek 6. června 2024

Per Mariam ad Iesum – Interview with Bishop Michał Stobnicki (2024)


Per Mariam ad Iesum – Interview with Bishop Michał Stobnicki (2024)

June 1st, 2024

Your Excellency, let me first thank you for agreeing to conduct this interview and let us know more about you, your background, and your apostolate.


REX!: In August 2022 you have been consecrated a Bishop which means that you are now the seventh Bishop of the so-called “Resistance”. But let us start from the beginning. Born in Poland in 1987, you were probably attending Novus Ordo Mass and got a post-conciliar education. Could you briefly tell us about your way to Tradition and the priesthood?

BpS: Yes, I was born in a Catholic family already in the times of the Novus Ordo. The post-conciliar Church in Poland was very conservative compared to the West, but I was never an altar boy at the New Mass, nor did I belong to any post-conciliar groups. I wasn't interested in it at all. In retrospect, I see that there was God's finger in it. But I was quite a pious boy and I had sometimes thoughts that I could become a priest, as is the case with many little boys. I made a small altar with image of Our Lady in my room and prayed in front of it every day.

When I was about 13 years old, I accidentally saw a very old priest at Jasna Góra, the largest Marian shrine in Poland, who was celebrating Latin Low Mass at a side altar. He was alone, without Mass server, wearing a beautiful Roman chasuble with the Our Lady embroidered on it. He was very concentrated, full of respect for the Blessed Sacrament and whispered words in Latin. I was immensely impressed by the dignity of this Mass. Because I have been very interested in history since I was a child, I started looking for information on when and why the Holy Mass was changed. At that time and at my age, it was not easy.

But indeed the words of the Psalmist are true: ‘The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: to all that call upon him in truth’. I found not only information about liturgical revolution but also an article about Archbishop Lefebvre. The article was critical, portraying him as a schismatic who was disobedient to John Paul II. However, when I read the quotes from the Archbishop I found that I completely agreed with him. It became more and more clear to me that the Novus Ordo had to be abandoned. I went to confession to an old priest whom I found out celebrated the true Mass. I shared my observations with him and he said that I am right and that I should enter the SSPX seminary, which I did not expect, because at that time I was not thinking about the priesthood.

After that, things moved quickly. I ordered and read the Archbishop's books. I began to analyse the allegations raised by the so-called Ecclesia Dei communities. In 2002, I attended Holy Mass for the first time at the SSPX Priory in Warsaw. The following year, on the advice of this older priest, I attended an Ignatian retreat with the SSPX. The thought of having to become a priest became clearer and clearer. As a result, after graduating from secondary school in 2006 (at the time my school was sixth in the whole country, and thanks to the Providence I was learning Latin at school) I packed up and joined the SSPX.

REX!: What happened next and why? We know you were expelled from SSPX seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany, in 2008.

BpS: I began my priestly formation at the SSPX seminary in Zaitzkofen in Germany, but I very quickly realised that something was wrong there. Of course, all appearances were still preserved, but the fundamental matter was missing, i.e. the spirit of fighting for the Faith. Today I can clearly see that the Swiss superiors of the seminary were already infected with the virus of liberalism at that time. They had very different aims to those of Archbishop Lefebvre, they did not understand how demonic the New World Order was.

In my opinion, they turned the seminary into a factory of priests absolutely obedient to Menzingen. There was pressure to choose Father Pfluger as spiritual director. I refused and my problems began. He tried to force me to change my decision. He would call me into his room for ‘interrogations’ and try to force me to report on other clerics. He kept repeating that I had to prove my absolute loyalty to my superiors etc. Neither faith, piety nor knowledge mattered, only blind, absolute obedience. Most seminarians, in order to survive to ordination, underwent this ‘formation’. Some couldn't stand it and there were even cases of them escaping through the window at night. I am convinced that passivity, absolute fidelity of young FSSPX priests to Bishop’s Fellay abandoning of Archbishop Lefebvre's glorious fight for the Faith is certainly the fruit of such ‘Prussian formation’.

I shared my findings with Bishop Williamson, who was then rector at the seminary in La Reja, Argentina, and with whom I had known before I entered the seminary in Zaitzkofen. He immediately understood what was going on in Zaitzkofen. I did not yet know that this was part of the formation of a Newsociety that would be ready to throw itself into the arms of post-conciliar traitors. We wrote letters to each other regularly, using a kind of cipher, because letters from Bishop Williamson to me were controlled by the Swiss superiors.

Anyway, they made absolutely no attempt to hide their antipathy towards Bishop Williamson. When he visited the seminary it was suggested that seminarians should not attend his lectures or even ridiculed the truth about the New World Order that he preached. I had the impression that exactly what happened in the Catholic Church in 1950s and 1960s was happening before my eyes in a small scale in the SSPX. Already at that time Menzingen was creating a sweet and soft Newsociety that was to find its place in the sweet and soft Newchurch. In my view, this was a conscious and consistently implemented betrayal. At this point, the thought came to me that I was a completely incompatible fit for the Newsociety. I didn't know what to do, but I'll quote the words of the Psalm again: ‘The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: to all that call upon him in truth’. The Lord God has prepared a long and twisty road for me.

In mid-October 2008, Father Pfluger, in my presence, opened two letters addressed to Bishop Williamson, who was to come to the seminary to ordain converted Swedish pastor Mr Sandmark as deacon on 1st November, Feast of All Saints. He then tore them up and threw them away. Outraged, I said that this shouldn't have been done, and he replied: keep silent and obey. I was so shocked by this that I told some seminarians that I would tell Bishop Williamson about this situation and that it was a scandal. In retrospect, I am convinced that they reported my intention and at that point the hunt for me began.

From 24 to 27 October, the whole seminary community participated in the SSPX international pilgrimage to Lourdes on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions.  On Christ the King Sunday, Bishop Williamson came up to me in the sacristy and asked me to run to the hotel and bring him his pectoral cross and zucchetto, which he had not taken with him from his room. I was able to fulfil the Bishop's wish and hand over the bishop's insignia while the entrance procession was still in course. After the solemn Mass, Bishop Williamson came up to me in the sacristy and we arranged to have coffee in the bishop's suite in Zaitzkofen on Thursday 30 October at 3 pm. Apparently, witnesses to this conversation reported everything to their superiors.

When we returned from Lourdes, Swedish journalists arrived at the seminary. They were introduced by the superiors as friends of the Society who wanted to promote it through a TV report. The clerics were encouraged to give interviews to them. However, when I saw them entering the chapel without kneeling down or making the sign of the cross I knew that something was wrong here. They definitely did not make a good impression. On 29 October,  the day before my scheduled meeting with Bishop Williamson, immediately after lunch I was summoned for an interview with the Seminary Rector Fr. Frey, who at the time was nervously ill, would not leave his room and appeared to be taking strong psychotropic medication. He ordered me to leave the seminary by 8 am the following day. He accused me of disobedience, distrust of superiors and organising orgies during the SSPX pilgrimage to Częstochowa, which was completely absurd. He did not present me with any evidence of my alleged guilt, only stated that my expulsion was requested by Father Pfluger and that all priests supported the decision. As it turned out when I went to talk to the priests, this was a lie.

I called to tell Father Stehlin [at that time SSPX superior for Central and Eastern Europe residing in Warsaw, Poland] about the situation. He said that it was completely absurd, as he had been on a pilgrimage to Częstochowa and that he would intervene in Menzingen and I should come to Warsaw. I had a few hours to pack up, practically no opportunity to say goodbye to the other seminarians. When I went to Father Pfluger with a smile on his face he said: we don't need priests like you in the Society. Actually, he should say in the Newsociety. In the evening I went to the music room. There was a beautiful bust of Our Lord with a crown of thorns made of white marble. I prayed and in my head I had words from the Book of Isaiah: for ‘my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways‘. I think it was one of the breakthrough moments of my life. The moment of true acceptance of the words of the Lord's Prayer: ‘fiat voluntas tua‘.

The next day I was escorted to the train station and took a train to Warsaw. The Swiss superiors could breathe a sigh of relief. There was no longer any danger that their plans would be thwarted when Bishop Williamson found out about the discarded letters and the ‘Catholic’ journalists’. And in just a few days they asked Bishop Williamson at the end of a long interview about the dogma of the New World Order, the Holocaust. A trap cunningly prepared by the sons of this world.

When I arrived in Warsaw, I waited few days for Father Stehlin, He informed me that the Rector of the Seminary had withdrawn the most absurd accusation, but that I had to prove my loyalty to the SSPX and spend a year outside Zaitzkofen, so that they can ascertain whether I will be sufficiently obedient and loyal. Blind obedience that takes the place of Truth and Faith. It was further confirmation for me that I could not go back there. To this day, I have kept the emails, text messages and letters I received from priests and other seminarians and priests at the time. They tried to convince me to submit to the whim of Swiss superiors an in this way to stay in SSPX.

Just few quotes to show you their cowardly and unmanly way of thinking (= silence and blind obedience to get ordained): ‘What the Father Rector accused you was complete nonsense and he got carried away, as he himself admitted. It was a huge mistake, but please forgive Him and understand human weakness. It is also not true that Father Pfluger does not allow your return (he got carried away in the conversation with Szymon).’; ‘You don't lose anything by waiting, on the contrary, you can work on yourself (our Lord will surely bless you abundantly if you humbly accept this cross, and he will not let you lose your vocation, but will strengthen it), learn the language (if you don't want to return to Zaitzkofen), study. Don't be afraid that when you come back you won't be wanted, you would be a winner (you would prove that you are patient and humble).’; You can be a good, holy priest (in the SSPX) if you endure this test bravely’.

Over the following weeks and months I was persuaded by priests and seminarians to return to the seminary. But as you can imagine, I had no desire to return to Zaitzkofen and to pretend everything is fine in the SSPX. At the end of 2008 I decided to leave the SSPX definitively. And it was one of the best decisions in my life. 

REX!: So you continued your priestly formation?

BpS: In December 2008, I was invited by a former SSPX seminarian and current priest of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, Father Raffray, to visit him in Courtalain. I spent few weeks at the new seminary of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, but it definitely wasn't the place for me.

At the same time I sent a letter to Bishop Williamson in Argentina and asked for advice. After a few weeks I received a reply. He stated that I probably had a priestly vocation and that I could come to the seminary in La Reja. But in just a few days or so a worldwide media storm was about to start. Swedish journalists, ‘friends of the Society’, invited to Zaitzkofen by their Swiss superiors, broadcast a report on television that was one big attack on the Catholic Church. Bishop Williamson was ordered to leave Argentina and then was placed under house arrest. Menzingen's goal was achieved. Only then did I realise that I had accidentally found myself in the eye of the storm.

On the advice of senior Polish priests, I then began to study law. I thought that maybe it was not God's will for me to become a priest after all. If someone had told me then that I would be a bishop in the future, I would not have believed it. I remember that at the same time, we prayed for God's will to be done. One of the priests, on the advice of an old Hungarian Dominican friend, decided to seek the help of Bishop Robert Fidelis McKenna OP from the USA, who had been consecrated by Bishop Michel Guérard des Lauriers OP. Bishop McKenna advised me not to enter any of the Sedvacantist seminaries. He made the decision that I should continue my formation under Canon 972 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law. It provides that in special cases, for a serious reason, under careful consideration in conscience, the bishop may exempt a cleric from the obligation to remain in the seminary during his theological studies. I have therefore continued my formation under the direction of Bishop McKenna and Bishop Andrés Morello, as well experienced senior priests.

It is important to point out that canon law provides instruments (canons 972, 993 and 1370) that make it possible to prepare candidates for the priesthood by a different mode than that to which we have been accustomed in recent centuries. The use of this option is entirely at the discretion of the bishop and not at the discretion of any other subject. To claim that someone does not have formation, as some SSPX priests are now doing, because part of it was received under canon 972, may result either from complete ignorance or from bad will.

I passed further exams and received minor orders. I was admitted to major orders in 2012. However, supported by certain signs I made the decision in 2013 to withhold my ordination. Without going into details, the internal wars between various sedevacantist groups were intolerable to me and I had no intention of participating in such a thing. Meanwhile, in 2014 I graduated from law school and I did some work as a lawyer. I found that I could still wait until ordination was necessary, because in Poland priests who were Catholic and had valid ordinations were still alive and celebrating the true Mass. I was therefore waiting for God's will to be fulfilled. The big lie is what is told by some people associated with the SSPX, that I wanted to become a priest at any cost. I could have been ordained a priest on 3 May 2013, more than four years earlier than I was ordained. But as the Germans say: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit [God's time is the very best time].

After Bishop Williamson was expelled from the FSSPX we began to keep in touch regularly. I started going to England and he started coming to Poland. He ordained me to the sub-diaconate and the diaconate. Finally, on 1 July 2017, the Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord, Bishop Williamson ordained me a priest. Along with him, two Polish priests ordained before the liturgical revolution – Father Ludwik and Father Ireneusz – laid their hands on my head. It was a beautiful sign of the continuity of the Church and the priestly ordination in Poland. Interestingly, when I entered the seminary I had a dream to be ordained on the Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord. This was also God's will.

REX!: What were the fruits of your apostolate in the following years?

BpS: I am just an instrument in the hand of God. So I do not attribute any fruits to myself. As you know well, it is not easy to establish something. It takes effort. In 2017, I started with one group of faithful. By God's grace, each year new groups were formed. Mass centres of the Resistance were established throughout Poland. My grandmother, who is now 83 years old, keeps asking, how do the faithful find you? My answer is always: they are led to the Truth by the Holy Ghost. I'll quote again the words of the Psalm: ‘The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: to all that call upon him in truth’.

Furthermore, one Polish seminarian was ordained and six priests were conditionally re-ordained by Bishop Williamson. In human terms, this is a small drop. But the Lord God is able with this drop to quench the thirst of many souls. We are trying to fight for souls in these extraordinary circumstances. We baptised children, celebrated Mass, confessed sinners, anointed the sick, blessed marriages. Bishop Williamson visited us regularly and gave confirmation. We preached the Catholic Faith, without which it is impossible to please God. We proclaim the truth, even if it is uncomfortable for many, including within the so-called Catholic Tradition.

Another fruit of my ordination was that the SSPX remembered me. First, I was invited to meetings by a former seminary colleague, then by another priest. Then the persuasion began for me to leave the Resistance for the SSPX. They were very kind to me, like the wolf in the Red Riding Hood story. I was told that such an intelligent and pious priest as me could do much more for souls by ministering within the SSPX than outside it. When they realised after a few months that they would not tempt me with anything to join the SSPX, the attacks began. This shows the hypocrisy of the SSPX. If I were in their ranks, I would be a great priest. But outside I am the worst.

REX!: When I visited you in Poland a few years ago, I remember you telling me about the violent attacks against you due to your apostolate. Can you tell our readers what was and is going on?

BpS: On the one hand, there are material attacks, such as damage to the car, for example, punctured tyres. On the other, for several years now I have been receiving threats in various forms. Supposedly traditionalist priests and supposedly pious activists – starting with the sedevacantists, through the SSPX and on to the indults groups – spread different rumours about the Resistance, but no one has ever asked me for a discussion nor accused me of anything to my face. Where does this cowardice come from? Is this conduct worthy of a Catholic? For many months, my phone number has been posted on the Internet as a drug dealer's phone number. On Friday evenings I have a dozen missed calls. Isn't that diabolical? The Devil and his servants are certainly not happy with the activities of the Resistance in Poland and try to do possible to destroy us. And I am convinced that they will not stop.

But should we not remember Our Lord's words: ‘The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for my name's sake: because they know not Him who sent me.  If I had not come, and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. He that hateth me, hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works that no other man hath done, they would not have sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father. But that the word may be fulfilled which is written in their law: They hated me without cause. (John 15: 20-25). I pray for those who attack the Resistance without reason. May they save their souls!

REX!: Really interesting! But back to your apostolate. Why do you think Bishop Williamson decided to consecrate you? Do you think besides other reasons he wanted to ensure a Bishop for the Central Europe and for the Slavic nations living here? When was it and were there any witnesses?

BpS: Well, you have to ask Bishop Williamson. He is certainly a man who is not motivated by any interest other than the good of the Church. He wishes to fulfil the Will of God. Exactly as Archbishop Lefebvre did. We cannot rely on the Newsociety. A quote from Bishop Fellay early in 2022 to a Spanish journalist in Madrid should be enough. Asked what he is going to do for new bishops, his reply was, in substance: ‘I see a new opening, which may have become more visible over the last few years, namely, I do not rule out that in the near future bishops of the Catholic Church will support us even in public, and if that happens, it may make it unnecessary for the Society to consecrate its own bishops.’ They have tried already with poor Bishop Huonder, but God stopped this mockery. Who will be the next Trojan horse of the Argentine Jesuit in the SSPX?

Regarding your second question, indeed I think one of the reasons was that Bishop Williamson wanted to ensure a Bishop for the Central Europe and for the Slavic nations living here. We are not second class Catholics. Meanwhile, one of the accusations made against me by various clergy in the West is that I am Polish, so I come from the Slavic nation. I will share with you another sad story from the seminary in Zaitzkofen. With the consent of the Seminary Rector, every Sunday before afternoon tea in one of the underground chapels it was possible to sing a Polish devotion in honour of the Immaculate Conception (Polish name is Godzinki). Imagine that I was the only Pole who came there. I sang it along with Czech seminarians and German religious brother. Why? Other Polish seminarians wanted to please Father Pfluger. And at tea time they were able to make fun of us. Did Our Lady like it when they said: oh, have you finished your ridiculous Polish devotion? One of them, Prior of the SSPX in Poznań and First Assistant to the District Superior, abandoned the priesthood last year. Poor soul. May he come to his senses, may Our Lady Queen of Poland forgive him and extend her hand to save him.

As for my episcopal consecration, I learned that I might need to be consecrated a bishop back in 2021. There were people who tried to prevent this in various ways. But what significance do human plots have compared to God's Will? On his way to Poland, Bishop Williamson was stopped at the airport. Humanly speaking, the situation was hopeless, but the Immaculata provided a solution. I was consecrated in my homeland on 15 August 2022, the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. I was not yet 35 years old, but the minimum five years of priesthood required by canon law had already passed. Almost 50 witnesses were invited to assist in the ceremony. Of course, such historical event was recorded. It was the first episcopal consecrations in Poland according to traditional Pontificale Romanum since the introduction of new doubtful rite in the 1970s. Polonia semper fidelis!

REX!: Could you explain why you chose the motto “Per Mariam ad Iesum” [“Through Mary to Jesus”] for your Bishop´s Coat of Arms?

BpS: This is the way to salvation. Since Our Lord Jesus Christ came to us through the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is no other way for us to reach the Savior than the Immaculate. There is also a very personal motive. My Mother died on the anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, 13 October 2021. I once heard from one of the senior Polish priests that after losing his earthly mother, a Catholic begins to love the Heavenly Mother more and more. And I convinced myself of it.

REX!: Can you give us a brief review of your apostolate after 2022? Are there any other traditional priests cooperating with you? If yes, were they ordained or re-ordained sub conditione in an old rite? How many Mass centres do you have? 

BpS: What has not changed after 15 August 2022 is that I am constantly travelling and visiting the faithful in a different place every week. What has changed is that I also visit other countries and that I confer Confirmation. In short, I have more work. We have got over 20 Mass centres in Poland: several in the Warszawa area and the Podkarpacie region (south-eastern part of Poland), and also in Silesia (near Katowice), Lublin, Wroclaw, Bydgoszcz, as well in Poznan area, in the north near the sea, the west near the border with Germany and in the east near the border with Belarus. There is one Polish priest ordained by Bishop Williamson. He also re-ordained six priests in Poland and I, so far, two.

On 31 May 2024, Father Włodzimierz Małota and I organized a Catholic conference in Tarnów (a city 80 km east of Krakow). 130 places were booked quickly before the announcement was placed online. Bishop Williamson honored us with his presence. In turn, Archbishop Viganò sent a message to the Catholic Resistance Movement in Poland. I encourage you to check out the recordings available on our You Tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@katolickiruchoporu6394. And I encourage everyone to join our fight for the Catholic Faith!

REX!: Soon you are going to visit Czechia. Do you plan to travel to our country regularly? Are you ready to be at disposal also to our priests and faithful who would like to join the traditional Catholic movement? Some adversaries say that your apostolate is secretive and sectarian. What would you answer them?

BpS: Of course, I am at disposal of Czech priests and faithful who think seriously about Catholic Faith, who want to preserve this Faith, who are prepared to fight for this Faith, who do not want to become along with the Argentinian Jesuit part of the New World Order. I will try to come when you invite me to your beautiful homeland, just as I try to respond to every invitation. Even on Easter Sunday, after Mass and a festive breakfast, I was driven to the airport to reach the faithful abroad by plane for the evening Mass. ‘The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few’ (Luke 10, 2).

As for the accusations of sectarianism, first of all, the people who make them have never contacted us with any questions or been interested in priestly ministry. Secondly, the Catholic Church has existed and operated for two thousand years without the Internet. I do not understand Catholics who live more in the virtual world (which could disappear at any moment) than in the real world. Public is what is said from the pulpit, not written in the Internet. Thirdly, there has been a terrible spiritual war since Vatican II. At a time like this, it is important to keep common sense and exercise some discretion.

REX!: Thank you, Your Excellency. Now a question which could be of interest to the Czech monarchists. I know that you were born to a noble family. Do you support the idea of monarchism?

BpS: Of course. The monarchy was an obstacle to the destruction of the Catholic Church, so kings had to be dethroned to attack the altar. At the same time, we must remember that a king who does not serve the true God and His Church is no better than modern democratic puppets. They are like a tool in the hands of Judeo-Masonry. Therefore, restoring the monarchy is not a remedy for all political problems. Look at Great Britain. Form without content. Royal robes cover the ideas of the World Economic Forum. Similar like in Bergoglian Newchurch.

REX!: Because of your age, you could never have met Archbishop Lefebvre, nevertheless, what does he and his legacy mean to you personally? What inspires you most?

BpS: On the day of my episcopal consecration, I felt the burden of responsibility resulting from being the successor of the Apostles. At the same time I better understood how great a burden rested on Archbishop Lefebvre's shoulders, especially in 1988. I admire his love for Holy Mother Church and how he combined the spirit of fighting for Faith with kindness towards confused souls. Today, traditionalist clergy are either not ready to fight for the Faith, because they are liberals and modernists, or they do not have love for their neighbour and instead of leading souls to the Saviour, they push them away. I wish with all my heart to continue work of Archbishop Lefebvre in the service of the Catholic Church.

I am inspired by the words he spoke during the episcopal consecration in Écône in 1988, which constituted his spiritual testament: ‘I think, and this will certainly not be too far off, that you will be able to engrave on my tombstone these words of St. Paul: Tradidi quod et accepi – I have transmitted to you what I have received, nothing else. I am just the postman bringing you a letter. I did not write the letter, the message, this Word of God. God Himself wrote it; Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to us (...) It is not for me to know when Tradition will regain its rights at Rome, but I think it is my duty to provide the means of doing that which I shall call “Operation Survival,” operation survival for Tradition. Today, this day, is Operation Survival. If I had made this deal with Rome, by continuing with the agreements we had signed, and by putting them into practice, I would have performed “Operation Suicide.” There was no choice, we must live! That is why today, by consecrating these bishops, I am convinced that I am continuing to keep Tradition alive, that is to say, the Catholic Church. You well know, my dear brethren, that there can be no priests without bishops. When God calls me – no doubt this will be before long – from whom would these seminarians receive the Sacrament of Orders? From conciliar bishops, who, due to their doubtful intentions, confer doubtful sacraments? This is not possible’.

REX!: This leads me to another pertinent question. How do you see the current situation in the SSPX? Do you think things have changed and are changing for the worse since you were in the SSPX seminary? Can we really speak about “Newsociety” now?

BpS: There are still many good priests in the Society who care for souls, who see the problem of new doctrine and new rites. For instance, some SSPX priests refused to use oils doubtfully consecrated last year by late Bishop Huonder. They are trying to resist within the Society. They cannot imagine life and ministry outside of it. But unfortunately, the general situation of the SSPX is constantly changing for the worse. Don't have any illusions. I am convinced that we can speak about Newsociety. Let me give you two facts to confirm this sad statement, without any comment.

One of the SSPX priests in Poland was asked what advice he would give to a man who, due to age or health, is unable to travel far to the Society chapel, and in his town a Resistance priest celebrates Holy Mass. He would advise him not to attend such Mass. He was then asked what this man should do if he were on his deathbed. Whether to call a Resistance priest or a local Novus Ordo priest. What was the answer of SSPX priest? He would advise him calling a Novus Ordo priest.

One of the SSPX priests in Poland was asked about publishing of booklet with Archbishop Viganò's texts. What was the answer of SSPX priest? He has nothing interesting to say, it's not worth reading.

REX!: If anyone would like to contact you via your webpage https://fsspxr.wordpress.com/ , in which languages can they do so?

BpS: I know Polish, English, German, French and little Italian, which I have to improve. Due to the number of responsibilities, I do not make my private email address public. You can contact the Resistance Movement in Poland using the general address katolickiruchoporu@gmail.com.


Thank you, Your Excellency, for sharing your views with us and for everything you do to support Tradition in our part of the world. I hope we will have an opportunity to meet you more often in a near future. God bless you!

Interviewer: D. Grof

Source: REX!